First of all, we re-thought about our genre, and we decided that we're going to add a Japanese style horror genre to it, as the majority of Japanese horrors are often horrific, when compared to American adaptations. Once we had decided on that, I came up with the idea of 1-2 second long flashes of images all-throughout the sequence. This was inspired by a music video, by AFI.
If you play VERY close to the extended introduction (the introduction before the actual song), you will see 3 different, quite nerving images flash up on screen, one of which is a man with the top half of his head wrapped in white bandages. I liked this idea, alot. However, they're not very noticable in this video, because they're so quick. I'd like the audience to notice when we do it, because in our flashes, I would like them to show the Shizophrenic (me) approaching, walking towards the audience, and in the last flash, I want her to be silently screaming.
We have also decided on a location! We thought that Oxleas Wood, by Falconwood Station, would be the best place to film. It's local to all of us, and it's very scenic.

We could really set an atmosphere in here. Also, Ross will be able to edit the lighting and the colour of the sky, so that the weather can reflect the mood of the Schitzophrenic. Also, spiders natually inhabit woodlands, which brings me onto the next point we decided upon today...
MAGNUS OPIUM is what we're going to call our film. What the hell is a Magnus Opium?! Quite simply, this -

No, it's not a dirty, old spiders web. Spiders spin Magnus Opium's over their eggs, to keep them safe, and warm. The mother then dies. The link between this, and our film is -
- Our killer wraps the victims up once she's killed them, then eats a piece of them them. Very spider like.
- Maternal? She can't have kids, and therefore, she kills mothers who neglect and abuse their kids. Sounds a bit like Saw, no?
- She commits suicide in the end. Charming.
To put this across to the audience, she is going to have a spider tattoo on her hand, and when she is in her 'bad' personality, she is going to have spiders as her pupils.

Obviously, not as detailed, or as big as that. But, it's an idea.
Okay, we've also come up with some other ideas...
We're not going to 'set the scene' for the audience, we're just going to jump straight into action. WOAH. How uncomfortable for the audience?
We're going to show the title of the film right at the very end of the title sequence. Effective ;)
We've got to have a make-up experiment between now and the day of shooting. This will involve testing different colours and patterns, smudging etc.
CONTACT LENSES! Pure white, or really, really light blue, to give a vacant, icy or even ghostly appearance to her face. *shudder*
We've also thought about some of the props we want to use. Cotton webs, that the audience can see me ripping off my face will make me look very frustrated, and perhaps a little disgusted, which will freak the audience out a little bit, and hopefully make them cringe. No one wants spider web on their face!
Another good idea we had was to make some 'Magnus Opiums' out of PVA and Peppercorns, and try to get as realistic as possible. These will be placed in the dead victims throats.
And that's pretty much everything, I think.
Me, George and Ross went over to music today, and we experimented with the pieces of music I wrote for the sequence. They absolutely loved what I wrote, and after a little bit of discussion, we planned which pieces would be played in which octave, and we're all really happy with how everything's turned out.
We've scheduled a photoshoot for the 22nd, 23rd and possibly the 24th of December. Best to get ahead of the game, eh? :)
Happy blogging.
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